where to get a grill(z)?

newman oyu need to get this done

shit would be ill

yeah, i lolled.

LOL at this thread…lets put metal and jewelery in my mouth and some wonder why certain races are discriminated against


that was a ridiculous statement

it’s so rediculous i am having trouble trying to come up with a retort to top it!

i just LOLd my face off

GET THE SPINNER GRILL Y000oo0o0oOOO)oo)o0ooo

i asked a black guy who came through my work if i could pull of grillz that was wearing some on the bottom and he agreed. not that this has anything to do with where to find them.

Whats so ridiculous about it???

Newman is as white as the sheet of paper im doing my homework on?

I know newman is a little white kid from the suburbs…my point is grillz are stupid and are another worthless creation by the african american race…its even more fucking gay that little white kids from the suburbs who want to be attention whores on a CAR FORUM want to get them so they can be all bling bling for all their online leg humping buddies.

does the lotus nto bring enough attention :lol:

ha a bit over a year ago i was pretty trashed on the chip. strip downtown, and some dude just walked up to me and handed me a little 4" by 4" piece of paper that was like a flier for a place that does diamond studding and grilles for people…

i know i saved it because it’s priceless, so if i can dig it up i’ll get you the info…

<— fell out of his chair when he read the thread…

notice the HUGE rock pressed perfectly into the gold casing around the inscisors… big pimpin…

wow, you are a retard.

i am guessing that you are REALLY ugly.

ever since i started workking at derrick ive been saving for a grill. ebay is where its at. they have the moulds that you do at home and then you send it back to them with what you want for your grill. im just geting a platinum bottom.

Yeah, grillz are hott,

One of the guys I work with has a brother with a grill, I’ll find out where he got it from

i dunno about that ebay shit…