Where to get a wastegate actuator 'e-clip' ?

It’s the clip to hold wastegate actuator rod on to swingvalve pivoting arm.

looks like this

Anyone know who would carry these? or anywhere to get them?

I need lots of these slutties too

If you have the dimensions, or at least the diamter of the hole, try making it, doesnt look that hard to do.

wise words from a phone call to jantos after loosing mine

go to canadain tire and go to where all the Help! stuff is in the automotive section in the red boxes

they sell c clips in all different sizes buy 2 boxes and then youll have about 3 or 4 of the right sized ones

one of the sizes fits perfect and ive been using it on mine for like 8 months

fuck you lucas oil i will kill you one day

I have been using lock washers and just bending and squezing them on. they last for about 3months befor they pop off. I also used safty wire at one point when my washer fell of 5mins befor i got to shannonvill last year. it worked pretty well, I wraped it all around and it never fell off.

Don’t be stupid, go to Canadian Tire and spend like $1.50 on the right part. It’s easy.