where to get replacement laptop parts?

I need a new keyboard for a laptop. its a presario m2000
I looked on ebay. there is a few for parts. I just want to know if there is anything else out there. And I need this asap, with spending as little money as possible.

ebay is the best place
stuff changes every week so keep looking


ebay is the best place
stuff changes every week so keep looking


eBay or the manufacturer is your best bet. I know when I needed a new keyboard on my laptop like 5 months ago eBay price = 19 bucks shipped for OEM part, Dell price was 54 shipped for the exact same.

Try eBay, thats your best bet for stuff like this.

external keyboard = cheapest solution.

HP Spare Parts…but it will far away from being cheap. You probably should consider a new laptop.




Is where I got parts for my Presario 1700

I’ll just get one off of ebay I guess. It looks like the cheapest place. Its not my laptop its my moms work computer. I had a friend over and she spilled iced tea on it and didnt clean it up to good.