Where to get tires shaved?

I flat spotted the shit out of all 4 of my tires today and it’s driving me nuts. Where can I get them shaved?

Would it be wishful thinking to believe that just driving with them as usual will eventually wear them evenly again?

I told you!! Um there is a place up on the yellowhead that does it… I’ll see if I can track the name and number down.

louis do you know how to do doughnuts??? do some until the backs are done then rotate to the front haha or we could just go for a cruise today…because i plabn on going for a “cruise” if you know what i mean 8)

Hell yeah… Im down for a cruise today…

That seriously is a brilliant idea, plus its just another excuse to do donuts :rolleyes:

Well Kal-tire doesn’t do it, and Fastech had never heard of shaving tires before, kinda strange for a place that says they are a performance tire specialist. What if I had gotten some new Kumho MX’s and I wanted them shaved for autocross? :roll:

Anyway, I’m going to be one smoke billowing sum-bitch today. :lol:

Get ABS and call it a day.