Where to take pics V2

don’t like my sig? really? i thought it was quite funny and the other was getting old. if you have any suggestions lmk guys.

The egg.

Downtown Schenectady has some nice spots… I’d be down for a shoot there =)

Looks like that pic belongs on Chevy’s website…minus the white thing there to the right. :shifty

It’s old as dick…so it fails.

was hoping DJ would chime in…

A few pics from my project thread were taken behind the Colonial Car Wash place on Nott St in Schenectady. They turned out nice.

I’m a fan of Thatcher Park Overlook

srsly what im looking for is something like the ferrari machine shop. if you guys never had your car there, you better go before the snow comes. such an awsome backdrop.

With that said, today i went on a 118mile search for spots. what i have come up with

3 places in troy
2 in watervielt
5 in waterford
5 in schenectady

What are your places in Schenectady? I might have to snap a couple more pictures?

-Couple spots in the stockade
-lock 8 (erie canal)
-the old abandoned train station on maxon rd.
-STS Steel (the old ALCO buildings on erie blvd) my dad has permission to goin there.
-and if you have permission like i do into GE in skinnecktitty, theres alot of good places in throughout there. my grandfather has a picture of his Origanal
Baracuda in 71, next to the hudson, and a couple more where the OLD CBS building once stood. he was the GE Accountant for 47 yrs up til 93, my dad took me in there today, what a fucking bunch of asshole security guards.

Yeah I was going to say that, I was in there a few times and I actually work for GE and they gave me a hard time. I don’t know how you got in there, security is serious. I have to fill out forms and talk to people to get clearance. That and I don’t think camera’s are allowed onsite for the majority of people.

i did chime in, didnt i? i said whenever you wanna come take pics down here come on down. Theres actually a couple photographers that come down here everyonce in a while. I can PM ya the best way to get in here if ya want.

my dads whole side practically worked at the sch site. up until mid 90’s when everyone got old. we had to fill out parperwork, and be escorted past two buildings. but it wasnt hard for the car interior check. lol, i have no interior.

lol i just noticed that.HA! Sure pm works for me :banana

heres a real badass spot, except you need to have a transport worker id card to get into the oil terminals in the port, and they cost about 300 bucks…and you gotta be doing work there, lol. i love 3 million gallon diesel tanks

ya i have like 40 pix of the 240 on my camera and i cant find my god damn usb cord


theres a quarry in duansburg but im not giving directions :ninja

really nice though…theres also one on rt5 out by amsterdam

There are a couple in Cobleskill, I don’t know if they are accessable though. I’d have to find out.



i know both places, but i just got escorted out of the one the other day for “tresspassing on property”

well you had to have been escorted outta the one on rt5 because the one in d-burg is long time abadonded