Which bag of milk gets the best MPG?

By milk I mean motorcycle.
What do sport bikes get for MPG?
What is the very best bike for MPG?
Who started this whole bag of milk thing?
Or should I say bag of whole milk thing?:lol:

Seriously though, talk to me aboot bikes and mpg.

depends on how you ride. on my r6 i could beat on it and get 35 mpg or chill and get 55 mpg

if your main concern is mpg when looking at bikes, get a 250. they will get 60-70ish.

20 miles per charge…

I believe the bag of milk thing started when going to No Frills meets up in Canada…Lundy’s lane kind of area…

though I could be wrong on this…

60-70 would be sweet.

20 miles per charge? Power wheels?:biglaugh:

bag of milk thing started on OT.com.

“I went out for a bag of milk, came home with this Mclaren SLR FS for $5!! Forgot to get milk.”

i don’t really “beat on” the bike, but don’t exactly take it easy either…

about 45-50 MPG on a Harley Sportster 1200.

yes… it came from OT… i remember the first thread… i think it was an s4

if your looking for a MPG you should get a TDI jetta and have some more safety…

“Which bike gets the best MPG?” is like asking “Which of Vida Guerra’s ass cheeks would you rather bite?”

The answer is “Yes.”

Hahahah at Fry



car/trucks = bag of milk
motorcycles = cup of milk

She’d probably bite which ever cheek Fry didn’t.

In regards to straight up MPG, it seems the 250cc bikes usually are the best. I’d say talk to RX3 but he’s MIA. Maybe neurokinetik, I know he’s been researching the same thing lately.

As far as sport bikes, you’re really limited to 250’s being the best for mpg. Supposedly they get up to 70mpg.
If you don’t limit yourself to sport bikes, Yamaha’s got a pretty sweet new 250 dual-sport/supermoto bike (the WR250R/WR250X) that gets 75+ mpg (thanks to small high-tech engine=fuel injected) weighs 270ish lbs, and has been reported to easily do 90+mph.

How many miles per organ does the bike get? Like when the lady on the cell phone pulls out in front of you and you become an organ donor.

Taking the chance on the bike because riding is your passion is fine and I completely understand it. I had a bike from age 17 to 25.

Taking the chance on the bike to save some money on gas, especially when you’re not struggling to get by is just stupid.

the dodge tomahawk does pretty well in mpgs

Heres something up your alley


even 250 ninja claims 60-70 mpg, i was getting more like 45ish when i had mine.

My buell gets 50mpg with me beating the shit out of it!

60mpg if I ride like a normal person.

Not gonna happen.