Which color Z you prefer

Two cars, same Ings+LX kit, nevermind the different rims…

the question I have is which color you think flows better with the car, blue or red? A little description why would help too.


i like the red you can see it better

Red ftw.

Because I like it better. No real reason.

I think the angle of the pic has a lot to do with it, but I also like the red, and I can’t really explain why. I just prefer it.

Red for me to, that red car looks sick. But pearl white and black are my fav stock Z colors.

I don’t think Z’s came in pearl white, I thought it was only on the G’s.

I bet Hard Gay likes pearl white…

What about a Z in silver?

I’d go with the red also

I like Red but I think it is pretty obvious why

Yeah, the Z comes in pearl white.


Also nice colours are the black, sunset orange/copper, and yeah the pearl white is really nice.

Clearly because the man has amazing taste. Have you seen his wife?
Easily one of the hottest pieces of ass in all of Japan.

The white is actually a Peaks White not pearl, which I also liked cause it does look clean, however for a sportier car I think its too plain, it should stick out more.

Silver the 3 tones it comes in are WAY to common around here and again nothing special.

The blue I like its a nice color but also very popular among Z owners.

The red which is my choice (and thanks for the votes) is the least popular in Canada, looks sharp and sticks out just enough.

whose are my reasons.

At the latest Z-fest there were 20 Z’s… 6 copper 6 silver 2 black 1 yellow 2 blue 2 white… something like that anyways not 1 red.

thanks for all the comments

Blue… because in 5 years reds always look like pooooo

Go with the red looks sick on any car!

charcoal metallic…

red is for parking indoors… usually fades easily

blue looks sweet with the nismo package/decals…

We recently had a red one traded in at my work, I didnt think much of the red at first but it really does look sharp on the car and suits it well. For the time I was driving it, it got alot of looks.

That’s the one thing I haven’t done yet, is take a close look at one. One main reason is that its that rare of a color, I seen only 2 in Ontario and both driving in the other direction on the HWY. and I’m not sure what other car to compare the color to.

So from someone who’s seen it up close, how could you describe the color? Stupid question I know, but i don’t know does it shine, is it eye catching, or more of a plain red.
compared to the blue which I think looks great the paint is very nice, just an overall attention whore type of color, how does the red match up with that?

that was one main reason why I went to the Z fest was to catch a red Z up front and personal… but not one showed up :frowning:

Im really hoping I do get to see one before I make my final decision.

The red is fairly basic, its not metallic or ultra bright. It does have a nice gloss, but the colour its self is Red, nothing else to it really. The one we have I think is an 03 or 04, theres no sign of the red fading, and it shouldnt if its taken care of.

I really do suggest you go and see one, the colour suits the car well but is basically any other red you would see on the road. So if you want something different, that will stand out go with the blue or sunset orange.

Post some pics of it when you decide.

I will post some pics, thanks for the info and tips and thanks everyone for voting, these are the two colors I’m stuck on. Red being the favorite for time being.