Which digital camera?

So which one would be a decent buy from $100-$250?

I know I am not giving myself to much room for quality but what do you guys have?I would perfer something with the video feature.

Looking at some of the Kodaks but not sure on the quality of the camera.And whats the difference between the megapixals?

Anything I should look for or stay away from?

Thanks in Advance!


Now is a great time to find last years models at like 1/2 price (point & shoot cameras).

Cant go wrong with Canon.

I’ve owned Canon,Nikon,Sony and a couple panasonics.They’ve all had their own strengths/weaknesses.

Best thing to do is go to Best Buy and window shop to get a feel for one you like,then go buy it online cheaper.:wink:



Yes you can. I’ve owned two cannon products with one being a SLR, every single one of my Cannon items have gone back for repair…

Check out cnet for info on stuff. You can get some good info on there///

i bought my girlfriend a samsung s85 and I really like it. It was only $150 and really takes some nice pictures.

Now I have more of an Idea,I heard the Cannon’s were flawless.I guess not.

The Kodak looks nice and the price is right.

Anybody else have any more input they would like to add?

Thanks again


canon SD series


canon sd 400 works great for me. the newer models have to be cheaper by now too

What about the SD750?


Looks pretty decent.Anyone running this thing?

My main camera is a Cannon Rebel XT, which I have not had any problems with. I also have a smaller “point and shoot” Sony one that is really nice and I’ve actually taken some really nice pictures with it. I have heard Nikon’s lower-end cameras are also good.

I just bought this one recently and i love it. I got it from beachcamera.com or for 200 with extras.

I dont know shit about cameras but I will tell you this the next camera I buy will be faster. Im not sure what detail to look for (shutter speed maybe) But the camera I have takes like 5 seconds from the time you push the button to the time it actually takes the picture. I hate it and my next camera will take faster pics.

:word: esp for just point and shoots.

This years Nikon Coolpix line is pretty sweet too tho.

and fuck Kodak btw, they make garbage.

I love my Canon SD 750 :slight_smile:

Cool,I think I will head over to bestbuy and take a closer look at the SD750.It sounds like the best choice for the money and everyone seems to have good things to say.

that’s the updated version oh what i have. bascially same camera. awsome quality- i can send u some pics to verify. :slight_smile:
its very easy to use as well. battery has great life as well