which is better?

poll. Story later.

Depends on the kind of work and how impaired, so it can’t be seriously answered as stated.

let me guess, you harpooned another whale?

omg lol @walter

hahhahah lol. pics this time!!!

actually, no. I was just at a party last night. I was supposed to start work at 4am. I left the party at 1:30ish, and I decided to sober up by taking a nap, and I slept through my rediculously loud alarm until 6:00.

Thats a little more than a little late. Thats pretty bad.

^ I know. That’s why I’m suspended. I’m sure nobody would give a shit if I showed up 20 minutes late.

Ouch suspended for being late once?

Or has this been a habit?

depends on your boss…

when i worked at schmitts, i could show up slightly late, i could come in still totaly drunk from the night b4, and as long as i told the boss my drunkenness was a result of drinking AND getting laid, i basicly got 1/2 the day off with pay, i just had to stick around the shop …

exchanges usualy went about like this

Mike: nick, where are the hell are you?
me: stumbles over
Mike: holy shit, what happened to you ?
me: i drank a little last night
Mike: haha, pause so… uh, you get any ?
me long pause … small smile yea
mike: good man! … go get something to eat out of the snack machine, ill call ya when i realy need ya

Go into work drunk, on time, with a flask.

second time in 2 weeks. Besides these two occurences, it only happened one other time, like 3 months ago, and that one did not involve alcohol…I just really overslept.