ho hum

i get home from work yesterday at 6:30pm… just go right to bed, crashed out till 6am this morning… so i am like wtf, I am up so might as well go to work early. My bosses boss comes in at around 8… asks me what I am doing here so early!!! this is the same guy that gets somewhat mad when i roll in late. its like i just can’t win sometimes.

yes, but EARLY shows initiative and willingness to get work done, LATE shows laziness.

i come in early and stay late almost all the time, sometimes I roll in at 9 and thats acceptable for every other employee but me… I just don’t get it, i am damned if i do, damned if I don’t sometimes

I hear ya, my last job was like that. That’s why I quit and came here. Not quite as much money but a lot more freedom to do what i want.

Trust me, I know how you feel. God forbid I be 15 minutes late without people wondering where I am, and then Mindy (office manager) can stroll in at 10 without anyone blinking an eye.

ho hum

the only thing i did yesterday was spend an hour at the VW dealer. Then went to Mad Mex at 10…drank 5 margaritas, 1 i chugged in 73 seconds. I love being off!!!

i come and go as i please… but am required to be around when shit breaks, regardless of when / where i am or what i’m doing… so it’s give and take.

5!!? Im on my ass after 3 lol. Damn they sound tempting right now hhmmm