I’m not even going to read all this… It’ll happen again next week. lol
you are straight up riding newmans dick
and who might be the general retard
EDIT: oh wait its in off topic, it doesn’t bump my post count up
gen-er-al re-tard [[size=2]jen-er-uhl [/size]ree-tahrd]
1: A person having something against someone else, or wanting an argument/fight all in the name of “internet pride”. General retardedness increases as arguments ensue through multiple threads where the nemisis posts occur in the same thread.
2: Derogatory criticism, rejoinder or rebuke, by people of limited vocabulary, of anyone with a different opinion to them and usually smarter than them
—Synonyms 1. Cuban Crisis, Wetwork, Treak
Origin: Derived from the english words, “general” and “retard”.
It’s unfathomable that anyone who posts a picture like this of himself on the internet could muster up enough audacity to claim that someone else needs attention.
Also, WTF man, did you Nair your armpits?
I think the real question is why would one be wearing their beanie inside their home while their shirt is off…
He must have had a bad haircut at the time he took the picture. Can’t have something EMBARASSING in a photo like that.
Yup, nothing to be ashamed of there.
what about the chin strap???
that might be worse than the beanie
Really though, look at the rest of the photo, how could he NOT have that beard?
I will.
5’ nothin prolly huh?
And my arms are bigger.
calling darkstarr…
It’s because he is harrrrd… arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I will, what the fuck is he going to do call his “bois”
Everyone has a fucking problem only through the internet… Im right here all day long come say it to my face…
I didn’t say anything to you, and if he’s gonna try and come off as scary he should probably do more than just curls.
And he probably shouldn’t wax his armpits.
Who the fuck are you??? and no i dont wax my pits… that pic is about a year old…
Can someone put this thread out of it’s misery? Jesus, it was just a picture of a burnout.