While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

I’m just some dude who doesn’t post shirtless / gang rape pics of myself on the intArwebby.

^^^^ im glad you dont anyhow. You’re prolly some pencil pusher anyhow

Im a button pusher but you overuse the word “anyhow”

Just because it was the only post of any value in this entire thread, lets see it again:


You gonna be on a chair or a stool?

Dude… I’m only rippin on ya cause your badass on the internet. Some of us are badass in real life, so we don’t have to flex or go shirtless on the net. You’re probably just like my adopted little brother CHODE… got guns, but can’t use them… :shoot:

If you wanted to get ladies, you’d do a google search for large penis and post that on your myspace… instead of that little kid flexing his big muscles…

without reading 12 pages

where do i tie into this :X

Maybe to add some wit to 11 pages of sarcasm and chest beating? :gotme:

As my sig says, I’m in car sales. Not the greatest job in the world, but it beats the hell out of being out of work.

Not everyone who has done a curl or two in his life feels the need to hand out tickets to the gun show online.

I was a defensive end at the college level (granted d3, but regardless). That doesn’t mean I need to strip down and do a self photoshoot to try and feel good about myself.

I donno if it’s the “pencil pusher” part or the myspace pics raiding :wink:

j/k… this thread cracks me up, the nair comment … :rofl:

Holy train wreck of a thread

asshole. :stuck_out_tongue:

ah, i skimmed. nothing. i’m lost.

<- Minglor

This thread is fucked.

HA-FUCKING-HA!! Jeff you can always make me laugh, probably the funniest thing you’ve said ever. In fact, I think it’s going to be my new sig.

Im not a badass at all. Im a super nice guy actually you know that i met you a whole bunch of times…

I have plans tonight boys lets not start again with this thread until about 2am and when I got a few beers in me!!!



Action Jack’s-Son is a gun freak, eh? Hah!

i think he was referring to the time you basically raped chevychase.

ah yeah

makes sense.

WOW standing burnouts are lame…