While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

yea i think on that clause i come in ahead of both as wel;l i like seattle better the buffalo and it is where i am at now a day


this>the 6page paper iv been avoiding for the past few hours

First thing i thought too, going to give me something to do as well as about 100 others


iv also been watching gangs of new york, which i have to say was an excellent movie

Lets run to jakes myspace and take his pics…


I’m glad my Myspace is set to private so I don’t get a bunch of pictures photoshopped of myself and put on a local car forum :roll2:

Newmans getting upset that his team of sackriders arent joining this little thread… His last resorts are taking my pics

he was offended enough to change it to private. :rofl:

Newman: Im so tough with this computer screen in my way


A whole lotta newman.

i don’t need any help making either of you guys look like dumbasses.

another well thought out response, cleverly planned and magnificently orchestrated.

Fuck i’d be offended too, that’s kinda creepy.

naw just trying to keep the gay couples off my page

You’re doing a great job. I wasn’t even pissed until you said “you guys” meaning me and jake. I haven’t even said anything to you directly yet.

and another:

Monday Mourning 1:30am and 14 people viewing this thread…lol…we should all leave our computers and go and get a beer or sumthin!!!

i know.

Again did you look in the mirror lately