While watching the Super Bowl....

Look for this…
Some whack job attorney guy called up the Art Institute and requested someone make him a giant ‘One for the Thumb’ sign for him to take to the Super Bowl. I didn’t have anything better to do so I came up with this.

Gotta picture it 3ft by almost 5 1/2 feet big…printed on that plactic-like board that realtors use for their signs(gator board) …and cut all along the shape of the hand, with that attatchable seperate ring… thus one for the thumb…

He got some pretty good media exposure here for it at the most recent pep rally, and he’s hoping to get more at the Super Bowl. It looks really damn good on TV I must say. It’s huge. But I just learned that they banned signs from the stadium… so sucks for him that he had to pay $400 for it, LoL. Sucks for me that I don’t get to see it during the game too because that’s really what I did it for…

But anyways: I made this giant sign. I’m hoping to see it on TV somehow. You should look for it too!

Nice work, will watch for it.

nice… ill be a watchin’

Ill be watching for you Good Lookin!


P.S. I bought my dads house you should swing over soemtime this summer.

Nice job. Steelers fans know how to party.

Nice Traci… :tup:

lmao. thats pimp :slight_smile:

haha thanks guys!!!

haha good work ill be sure to shout out loud when i see it

Your picture is on the cover of USA Today’s Sports section today. He is standing in the picture holding the poster just like you described. FYI


Wow… front page of sports in USA Today! PIMP!

good on you traci! :tup:

scan or ban :stuck_out_tongue:

ahahah yeah I couldn’t believe it!

One of my teachers emailed it to me yesterday…and I was a little surprised to say the least!
Who knew my very first silly little freelance/side project would make it on a front page of USA today!? …yeah, I’m excited…hehe.

I’d scan it in, but if anyone else read my most recent thread, my main computer crashed, and I dunno if this 10 year old POS I’m on right now is going to feel like recognizing the scanner today. But I’ll work on it…

P.S. ya know what pisses me off? The guy has the ring on the thumb sideways in that picture…grrrr… The printer made the ring into a magnet so there’s no reason that damn thing should be on wrong!

lol congrats :tup:


awsome portfolio material :tup:

So if anyone feels like scanning in the USA Today page cuz it aint happening over here…

But here’s some more pics from the Super Bowl parade people sent me…

Yeah there’s the back of the hand between the black and yellow cars

And here’s Big Ben driving by it

And there’s Polamalu signing the hand. I guess this guy was inside the baracade fence the whole time and people were just going nuts over the hand…

hotTt damn…that’s a lot of people

i wish the bills could just win the damn thing so i can be one of those people celebrating :frowning:

no shit

watch, the bills win… the economy, out of nowhere, starts kicking… the streets clean themselfs and all the abandon buildings fall over lol

over 250,000 people.
largest crowd turnout for an event/celebration in the history of Pittsburgh.
kinda wish i wouldn’t have slept right through it now…