How much do you think I can get for this?

This is a very RARE. I mean VERY VERY VERY RARE T-Shirt that has never been worn and has the sticker still on it. Its authentic through the NFL and its a t-shirt from the 1991 Superbowl. It one of the shirts that says the Bills won the super bowl. Check out the pics and let me know if you think anyone would buy this thing. Its pretty sweet. I thought about framing it and putting it on my wall.

how do you know it is so rare?

i would imagine it not being worth anything because its not true. i mean its probably worth a shot, but thats just my thought.

motivational poster that says FAIL
Buffalo Teams can’t win anything

I’ll give you $30 cash money for it tomorrow.

yeah, because none of us already knew that. Wow we are so dumb…

Not true. The bandits won the championship this year.

Look for one and tell me what you find. Also have you ever seen one befor???

for the super bowl (and other sporting events) they have to make shirts and hats saying both teams have won so they are prepared. what they usually do is donate the incorrect ones to charity and they get shipped off to other countries. this means, somewhere in africa, the townspeople think that the buffalo bills are an nfl dynasty. (assuming the know what the hell that is)

I bid $1 dollar, Bob.

I have no clue. How did you even obtain such a shirt, Mark?

well for anyone that cant figure it out, tshirts have to be made BEFORE the superbowl is actually played, and the loosing teams tshirts then have to be thrown away. this applys to all sports memorabilia.

its probably worth some $ on condition alone, plus its not the way history panned out for the team.


really??? if only someone had already said that…

oh bite me, i was typing out my reply as i poked around the internet for similar shirts. sorry that i didnt check for similar replies before i hit submit

not like i said it 4 hours after your reply

Sell it to the people who also think the Lakers won the NBA finals this year?

unless it goes to a game seven, they probably don’t make those.^

and you say im an ass on this site…

Its worth nothing… They send those shirts off to africa or some other place to wear.

but again its worth what ever someone is willing to pay for it. looks like 30 bucks already in this thread.

truth…kids in third world countries are rocking these like its there business, it happens every year

:word: exactly what i was going to say. They ship the losing teams shirts and hats that say they won to 3rd world countries and for a month or so, every kid in some village has on the same tshirt and hat.

so i’m guessing its worth nothing unless you’re poor living in africa

I would hold onto it until the start of this year’s season when everyone is all hyped up about the Bills. Then Ebay it.