Don't... judge a book by its cover?

Uh - lollercoaster

hahaha, jumped the gun a little huh.

I’m sure there is a ton of Pats Superbowl 42 champs merchandise that will go unused.

hahahahhaa awessssome… THAT MADE MY DAY

hahaha, new england fans are so lame.

The customers who bought that item also bought the first season of Lost. Coincidence? lol



Whos gonna make the first “FAILED” jpg of that book cover? i’m too lazy to make it…

Yea, they were talking abou it on the radio this morning. I’m buying one.

Stuff happens every year, where is Kevin with the Fenway picture?


god it sucks to be a boston sports fan, their teams always find a way to disappoint no matter how good they are :stuck_out_tongue:

Ouch!! and :rofl:

Fine, i’ll do it…

^^^ LOL