White Notch vs. Purple Camaro

Jaz doesnt like losing…

jazz was goin for it ,shit he had all his bottles goin lolol

i can tell you right now jazz was in it to win it both races and i got him both times pretty damn good…i underrated my own car…once i get it tuned and make it stop nosing over in third gear, that things gonna have alot more in it…

oh shut up ,ya just aint run the right f-body yet

I wanna get the cage in it and do some tweaking then. hopefully i can get her to straighten out, i still cant launch the fucker past half throttle.

Whens that thing gonna be out anyways? I heard some shit about your crank being messed up.

me and you need to go at it again…

I say this again and risk sounding like PJB but once i get it tuned it should really really wake up, its running good in the grand scheme of things but its actually running like shit lol. Im excited because when lake george rolls around it should be good to play with some real cars.


Adirondack Nationals, were on AB5-o

yeah got the crank had it balanced it wasnt comin out right so he x-rayed it and had a air pocket in the crank next to the cyl 3 bobweight

damn that sucks, so is the manufacturer making good on it and sending you a new one?

speaking of the right F-body…

how your Trans Am doing??

lol you got it jammer

yeah they are ,its eagle i have used there bottom ends before wit no problems so we shall see

thats good, eagle makes good shit from theyre low to hi end stuff its all decent and reliable.

all of it is forged so im not to worried

nice car. I love it, more fast cars.

thanks man…it goes alright for being untuned, and not having the suspension dialed in

Time to post Fox vs. 35R Civic?! :evilking

haha you better!