White Notch vs. Purple Camaro

It was taken with my iPhone so i know its blury, you get the point though


damn i really shoulda come out last night!

Damn Pauly’s shit MOVES!
Along with Adam talkin everyone’s ear off!! lmao

Some good runs for sure.

I dont know what Ill be able to pick on but its not gonna be Pauly’s car

Could have seen it but some k20 owning touch hole locked his keys in the car

:rofl ahhh SHIT!

Need that commentary mang!

No what you need is more cp

Statement of the year

hey man at least you have good conversation. wifey likes it when like you & pauly, his girl & oppie and his girl come out. shes like “they’re the only ones that can hold a conversation” ahahah

Haha well good! See Nicole, Im not socially retarded! :rofl

Why would you ever listen to Nicole

whose the goon talking???

anyways, who won? couldnt tell lol

The mustang…duh.


paulies shit is quick i def underated it .shit still looks like a beached whale tryin to roll over when he launches it though

looks to me like the camaro let him win.


who knows with jazz

Statement of the year!