Whitey Is My Hero

good hanging with you saturday night.

too bad we didn’t get to race anyone.


i guess there’s not much to race when everyone is either:

a) drunk
b) retarded
c) all of the above

i love your truck… but it needs a supra motor :smiley:

if you want to pay for it…it’ll be in there a.s.a.p.


I was C.

damn wish i could have hung out this weekend

always a fun time when Juzwick comes to town… never any races when i am in the 240… maybe next time

Juzwick may have a tiny asian penis… but I still love him.

you may have a big caucasian mouth and beer gut…but we still love you too sweety.


dont talk dirty to me like that when you’re 3000 miles away and can’t do anything about it. :idb:

get a room your out of state fagorts.