Cobras are sweet. I miss crusing in F8T BITE. Went 11.5 in that the first day at the track. Power everything and it ran good but not " very fast ".
Now that I think about that, 76 wouldn’t race me in that when I came to mighty and paced him from mighty, down Sheridan, down Millersport, on the 290 from Millersport to the Colvin exit. That was a night not to remember. Ha ha. That bambulance was not getting me!!!
You know whats more entertaining than arguing on the internet? Maybe a few car runs. Why the lack of runs? Win or lose the result is ALWAYS a couple of :tup: s and that car is quick blah blah blah
Certain things never change, I’m sure he is running his mouth on there as usual with his little High School clique.
Ahhhh dude Nyspeed sucks, ahhh dude the car scene has changed no one ever wants to run/cruise/track their cars, ahhhh dude Nyspeed is just for home mods, ahhh dude my plugs aren’t gapped, ahhhh dude I want a Cobra, ahhhh dude this and that. Plain and simple you’re a pussy so park your shit in the mother fucking weeds where it belongs faggot and keep your mouth shut next time when men are speaking.
I would like to see these cars race. I don’t think jt is going to. However psychopjv might be down for a pull. Pats a cool dude and doesn’t give a fuck.
You have my number, If you’re curious as to whats going on you could always text me? And yeah, it’s been for sale since July.
Oh you mean where you followed me out of mighty 70 feet and got next to me in the turning lane at NFB and Sheridan and I didn’t want to race you because I had a girl in my car? That, and yes I knew a KB cobra was a waste of time and not worth the Police throw of the dice for my stock motor/NA/cam/exhaust car that would be doors or pulled up top by a bolt on/pullied car. Concede that win from 2010 to you :tup:
However, I do remember how you have talked shit for almost 3 years to a car that was MUCH slower than yours and now that that car can put up a good fight you’re nowhere to be found. :gotme:
True that. I am entertaining the idea of one.
Over the years I have run just about any car that has wanted to especially back in 08-09 when there were a lot of cars out and thats all I wanted to do. I have had my ass handed to me by quite a few cars as well; PsychoPJV Cobraman 302n20 Firehawk853 TurboLS1SS Muscle50 MrSmith just to name a few. The videos are out there. None of these people really post here anymore, wonder why that is? I told Haensel when I am out I will text him, he lives right around the corner. I’ve been either busy or the weather has sucked. No one has met up since the last time I talked to him. Fair warning, I am also going to be dropping off my car at JNJ at some point this week for a couple days for the tune to be cleaned up and that takes precedence over this pissing match. If I do keep the car and stay motivated I would like to make it more track friendly by the spring with an auto and safety features and start moving away from the street stuff.