what was the agreed upon run? dig/roll? just curious is all…
I’m going up to the track tomorrow, if anybody wants to run.
1/8th mile traction contests :tdown:
pay the 20 bucks and see what your car runs ? or at least traps
better than putting it into a wall at cruise night
It’s $15 for a Tuesday I believe. Everyone always bitches about Lancaster and while yeah it isn’t the nicest track around it works for what it is. Or there’s a swap meet and test and tune at NYI this coming Sunday. Not sure of the entry fee but I know I paid $31 to test and tune yesterday for 3 runs…track prep was insane though.
im guna blow the tires off at Lancaster its a waste of my time, I gotta get to nyi before the year is up
Come to Empire on the 28th… It’s a MOM’s invite night, and the prep is usually as good as it gets for Empire…
Bob is a lot more easy going at the end of the year. if your safety gear isn’t up to par he will usually let you run if you promise to upgrade over winter. No excuses… all the people in this thread that wanted to race should go.
i’m confused, aren’t these straight line race jobbers supposed to be able to hook?
on a side note ill be at Lancaster searching for the right combo to get that 5.9… i’ll have to keep a lookout to see if anyone shows up
I shouldn’t have any problems with those tires at nyi. I don’t think its any secret that nyi has better track prep than lancaster
I hear the MOMs nights are super busy and lucky to get more than a couple runs in the whole day.
my car is pretty well set up but theres a few little things I could get hassled about if they wanted to be sticklers
Brian said he would do either, Jim picked the street because he had 21 excuses why he didn’t want to run at the track. Now also has excuses with tune (didn’t know it takes an entire season to tune a car) or w.e so we shall see. Don’t make an open call out thread/shit talk everyone and anyone if your car isn’t a 100% and if you have a leaky vagina in between your legs. It’s also been mentioned how they are pushing Pat to run Brian, as I previously mentioned this is due to ricer math, if Jim thinks he will lose then he will never run Brian. Glad Brian is only out to run Jim and not a similar caliber of car owned by someone who can drive it and that has a sack.
hmmmm who did I shit talk to? I said i wanted to run Choda. That is the only reason I even posted in this thread to begin with. Choda said a couple months ago the last time you tried to play Ludacris that he would race me when i got my car sorted out. Now he doesn’t want to race me. Ok, fair enough. I understand that his situation in life may have changed/he doesn’t want the hit to the ego if he loses/ whatever the reason, its cool, its only cars, no big deal. My car is at Elma auto for Jay to fix my idle/ drivability and hopefully allow me to turn up the boost to 15-17psi. If Brian wants me to keep it at around 11-12 psi that is fine by me to make things even-ish HP wise. If I get beat, i can always turn it up and see what happens. Pat is also building me a full exhaust with a cutout to connect to my catback so the thing is somewhat civilized. I made an open callout thread on WNYFbody to drum up some races 4 months ago. Pat, Yasser and Lightemup are the only ones who have stepped up and ran so far and Haenzel is on deck. Right now its 38 degrees out and misting at my house. The weather has been shitty. No one has met up, my car left the house for the first time today to go to Elma since a few of us met up last Sunday. We have a good month left to race. Pat said he wants to run him at the same time I do, there is no “ricer math”. No one is “pushing him”. Why do you care so much? Why are you so hostile? Why are you so aggressive? Why do you care so much about racing when you have not had a car to race since 2010? I’m not trying to be a smart ass, im just curious. Holy shit. They are just inanimate pieces of metal and plastic and its just a hobby. You have some issues man.
Of course 275s work. Duh. They work for cars built to run them. Unless I missed my guess the nova does not have the suspension to let the radial do its job. I don’t know why someone would cry about having a 10 bolt and no cage and be limited to 60 rolls to come back out w a new combo, new rear end and cage just to cry about traction again. Same song and dance, Fear of the et. I never once heard of a bbc nova that didn’t want to race, is that what 2013 means?
Well it sounds like ur car still isn’t running 100% after months of it being put together and multiple times on a dyno. My car being parked this year has nothing to do w my life or ego. I said from the beginning of this thread not to count on me coming out and then * got a hard on. I also said I should step aside and others to step in. Looks like that happened and now ur attitude changed and not giving the wagon a run. I woulda been pissed if I brought my car out and * to put your car away or to say ohh i lost because I’m only on 12 psi. Wtf is that? Your car is a 11 sec car that made 800 hp. That’s what it is until * do better, win or lose any race.
- wanted to race my 9 sec 145 trap car but not the 10sec high 130s trap wagon. Again seems to me like * only mentioned my name cause you knew I wasn’t out.
You love to twist things around :lol: My car was on the dyno once to have a basic tune done. It was on the dyno a second time on JnJ’s dyno day and then went on the Pepboys dyno on their dyno day because the regional manager/AndyB asked me to do it and it was free of charge. Yeah it still isn’t 100%, big deal. Lets leave the “shop wars” BS out of this. Jay takes a while, we all know this. That horse has been beaten to death for years. I never said I wasn’t going to race anyone, please point out to where I said that. Stop trying to generate imaginary drama. YOU told me to let you know when I’m ready to race. I’m ready as soon as I get the car back. I don’t care if i lose. You or I might not have our cars come next year. Yeah, its an 11 sec car, should be an easy win for you then with your 9 sec car. We’re not racing time slips here. Give me the same roll as the Firehawk, you didn’t even need nitrous for him. He was another “11 second 800 hp car”. I didn’t know you weren’t out until this thread and heard some rumors of things through the grape vine. Since you told me to let you know when I was ready, i figured i would. But if you don’t want to race, for whatever reason(s) that happens to be, thats your business. :tup: At the same time though, considering YOU backed out/declined/took the 2nd half of the year off, I find it funny that you are trying to turn it around on me by implying that I am backing out of something :gotme:
You told us to sit back and watch some races, well I’m sitting back but no races have been done and its been weeks with just excuses. You speak of how I haven’t had a quick car to run anyone since 2010 and you’re right. We all know for a god damn fact if I showed up to one of your corny meets with some sort of vehicle of my own that you wouldn’t run me unless it was another 350hp fwd Honda which you would know that it would be an easy W. I had more fun racing Jacks last year daily vs daily then anything else instead of dealing with bullshit like this. Did you not tell people you were scared to lose to Brian so you wanted to take your car off the road? Now all of a sudden it’s for trade on svt performance? Lets see next week if you’ll run Brian, the weather is only getting colder.
NYI prep on a MOMS night is outstanding. People typically only go to Lancaster on a Tuesday amateur day or a Wednesday cruise night, and give it a bad rap. Go to Lancaster on a Friday and watch the quick 16 class. You’ll see 8 dragsters and 8 door slammers all running low/mid 4’s. If you can’t hook on a track that a 1200hp Chevelle just hooked, then your car has problems, not the track. They won’t bother you at NYI for tech if you have the major stuff taken care of like a cage, PROPER helmet (Snell 2005+), a jacket, etc. On a MOMS day you’ll typically get 3 runs, but they will be quality runs. If you come prepared you’ll probably run your best time ever. You can easily walk out of there with a trophy and some free goodies too.
You DO care if you lose. You aren’t fooling anybody. You never ran me once, I asked you for 2 or 3 years. I called you out 2 or 3 times always giving you a few weeks notice, and even allowed you to spray me while I was n/a. You always had some excuse. You were all ready to run the wagon until you heard how much power it made. You have the fastest car at Mighty Taco (insert any late night gathering) at 2am, and you are just now realizing that nobody gives a shit about that. To me and many others you have a top-dollar high 11 second car.
Choda’s car will walk you from a regular roll. If you lose you’ll have an excuse. You’ll want to go again at a higher mph. You’ll miss a shift, and want to go again, and again, and again. Until you are doing a 60 or 70 roll taking the auto-car way out of it’s efficiency range. That’s how all of these drama filled roll races go. It’s never 1 run and done. It’s always 5-6 runs with excuses. You said sarcastically a few weeks ago that maybe you’ve earned the right to run the “top dogs” or some crap like that. Honestly, you really haven’t. Not that there is any criteria layed down to call someone out, but bear with me here. You went to NYI and accelerated for over 11 seconds and went 136.xx. I expected WAY more out of that combo. You calling out a proven mid 9-second car is like speedped calling you out. Hard to really take serious.
I really have no beef against you, but you brought all of this crap onto yourself, with your constant prodding, and the king kong pictures on fb and crap like that.
Even better the little comments left and right on here in random threads by him and his butt buddy. You can only push someone so much until they react, he should know that first hand but it doesn’t seem like him or his “tuner” got the memo.
I stand by what I said eariler in this thread, until then just keep running your mouth because its only a matter of time.
Who really gives a fuck?
god this thread blows, way to much drama. can we just get some races here?! isnt that what this bullshit is about? damn i wish i had a fast car just so i could jump in this and be part of some action, win or lose who gives a fuck
/ rant
Yeah, there’s too much drama over this.
I found this thread quite amusing. lol still do! haha