Who Do You Want to Race/See Race '08

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i forgot, FASTMOFO still needs to line up with me. loser buys gas :slight_smile:

i hope to see marky marc out too this year, fo sho fo sho

sherm because i want to live to see the day he puts something into his car

ooo poopra of course too. we lined up when we had the ladder thread going. i had to race onyx and addicted2boost in order to run him. car was running good that night too, but when we finally lined up, my damn boost pipe came off UGHH. that would have been a sweet race. always wanted to race a supra.

and finalgts if he is willing, SC or Turbo

the was the most BA race i ever witnessed. two 700+whp cars racing at dusk under an over-pass split by a center lane, and remained relatively close for several gears. it doesn’t get any better than that! i would have loved to see it from the random center lane guy’s point of view; two retard sounding/looking cars zooming by either side, with a combo of jet engine F1C, boxy whine of mr kenne bell, and a mix of american brute muscle ARHH ARHH ARHH!!!