Who Do You Want to Race/See Race '08

whoops i miss read, thought we were talkng about the 198

joe came into my lane when we were tearing ass through the twistys and i had to hit my brakes that slide my back end out.

the second time we were racing on a 3 lane highway messing with a grand prix. we let him go and we slowed down to do a pull well toping out 5th we catch the grand prix and it went from 3 to 2 lanes and he cut my off while i was doing maybe 130 140 which i slammed my brakes and put my in a heavy slide with locked wheels. i hit the rumble stripped and it unlocked my wheels and it straightend me out


:ohnoes: lol

shrives take the offer

Come on man, man up, do the whole loop, 190-290-90-190. Start at the first entrance ramp where the tolls used to be.

mike were you even around back when we ran the loop like everynight? i dont remember

Nope, was living in Rochester at the time, though I have heard the stories. But I know you’re being sarcastic.

I was more referring to a balls out banzai run that cruising with the occasional race though :wink:

it was a little mix of sarcasim and serious. lol. we seriously ran the loop like everynight. i burnt so much in gas and money but it was fun. those are the days i miss. cars were all extremely close which made it fun.

What 4 wheeler will you be driving? I may be up for this in low/no traffic hours with a spy out front.

Guess you’ll be a designated camera-BITCH then. :smiley:

I high speed loooong race down the 190…fuck, thats tempting. But, common sence kicks in and I shrug it off.

no one needs to know what i do for a living…but for your information i am a legit business owner…something like construction…better???

ooohhh…tough guy knows what i drove 4 years ago when i was broke…but the bike i had at the time aint on there…ur cool man

hate hate hate!!!


you own a business and all you want to race for is $100?

weak :tdown:

youd lose buddy…

i think only very few people (the 2 wheeled type) would have the slightest chance here… id take the offer, but A… 100 bucks isnt worth the risk… and B… your money is no good here :-p

hey Will its me…incase u didnt know…ur good friend jon

I was telling U GO SO SLO… to save his money… i know who it is lol

lol…i just figured thats all some people would put up…but i like u…we should ride this year

straight line? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

this is an R6, no?