Who Do You Want to Race/See Race '08


I think the only thing that ever came out of this thread was me vs CrazyLt1. Everyone else eiether broke, sold, started on fire, moved, or vanished.

this run actually happened…dead nuts i believe.

me vs. slorock havent gotten a good run w him yet

Last week at Lancaster this Tuesday (i think) Would be fun to get 1 last race in to hold us over till next summer. Hold nothing back, fill it with race fuel, crank up the boost to 30lbs boost or so, shoot for 6’s! Watch it go or blow! Depending on weather, I’ll be there along with challenger Mike. Anyone else planning on going?

Hopefully it doesnt blow a couple of head gaskets like i did a few weeks ago :roll2:.:smash2:

yes this tuesday is the final tuesday night of the year…ill be there working the ET shack…

I’ll run you jimbo, hopefully next week after my parts get here…from houston…hehe

I’d love to run any stock-ish NSX and GT-R. And run an 8.9 finally damn it.

you want to see a 250whp car run a 500whp.

Yesss :slight_smile:

I would like to do a rematch with CrazyLT1 before the snow flies, but it will be useless without new tires for me. My only chance is if i get a good hit in 1st gear.

you can borrow my wheels :slight_smile:

realllllll sticky

Let me know. I am always down for runs

me you and pat can sit around a tire one night and pick out the stones :smiley:

I will for sure, im going to see what i can come up with this week, supposed to rain until saturday anyway :frowning:

why do i foresee our saturday nights spent siting in a circle in the pos shop all winter? :lol: :picard:


eff that. i’ll watch turbo work on his. i did all the hard shit last winter…


I will bring beer :tup:

and bitches