Who Do You Want to Race/See Race '08

thats pretty much whatya looked like in the corner :awdrifter:



you seem to have a nice roledex of bitches. im tired of my bitches. time for different bitches. im counting on you for bitches!

think im going to swing by and check out my cage real quick :stuck_out_tongue: they said something came in for me, im assuming its that

my bitch has blue wheels :hay:

im not going to run the train on pat with you

hell yea, i pulled like a half a car. Damn close, great races :tup:

My only two races were against mindless and KAT, both close and fun :tup:

Bill vs. The eagle Talon <3


2009 Big Ed > ALL :rofl:


hey kyle id like to get a run in w u it might be alil closer this time

Sounds good. When are you gonna be around next cobraman?

We should be a good match no?

Only if you ride with me sweet cheeks

not unless you got a big set of :snky: under that hood that no one knows about
one night me and him were messing around and it was complete destroy
he even started a gear down and i brake boosted


mark has more than one car.

ill be back in town the 6th til the15th

Ive been getting alot of heat via txts, pms, phone calls for not racing at all this year. The car is done and ready to rock but bigger and better things have popped up in my life but i promise next year ill be out on kill mode. I put alot of money and time into my car this year and never got to hammer on it.

I put a couple break in miles on it, changed the oil, then launched it once on the street and broke the rear passenger spring. I never got to hit the bottle, never got to feel the top end pull.

I bought a house, its taking all my extra time and all of my money. (its like 3 min away from mighty)

By spring 09, Ill be back in the loop and will continue to pwn foolz.