who doesnt have power???

^ lol where the fuck do you live? nothing like that here in B-spa.

I have no worries about my shop either as it’s elevation is a few hundred feet above everyone else here. If it floods you guys have long floated out to sea :lol

2 mins ago

out in schoharie…i could take some pics that would make you guys shake your head

Damn. Did ur basement flood??

naah…basements fine


im going to take a buncha pics in the truck theres better shit to see than this

**edit basement has about 2 inches in it and the pump cant keep up…water is coming in like a faucet in spots

still got and the gym had it too.

Still have power here. Playing madden 12 all morning.

I’m at our Hudson hubsite now making sure our generator continues to work. For whatever reason, the power went out, and the generator never kicked on. Our battery back ups ran out. So Columbia county lost all internet. It’s back up now for the most part. My property is on the verge of flooding.

And now I am to just sit here and make sure everything keeps running for the next hour or so. And this hole time I get to listen to the battery back up go beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

What barn?

Also, no power outage, no nothing. I’m in Maplewood.

I searched. I read. I still created.

and i deleted.






Hurricanes are nature’s way of giving homeless people a place to bathe within their own living quarters.

atleast they can dry out in the sun tomorrow, right?

Sun all week ftw

maybe I can wash my truck for the first time in about 2 months then

I’ve seen more significant damage in this thread than I have seen on any news show on TV. Its not doing SHIT here in Vermont, just rain, no wind.

VT doesnt have hurricanes. Or colored people.