Evacuation of all of Scoharie County and surrounding

Apparently all of Scoharie County and the surrounding areas (Prattsville, Middleburgh, etc) are under an evacuation order due to more flooding. And to top it all off they are once again worried about the Gilboa dam… and the sirens on the dam are damaged so there would be no warning if the dam collapsed / failed.

Those poor people in that area just can’t get a break…

O wow

Damn it, we just got the fiber built back into most of Prattsville… :facepalm

I thought it was just brought up to safety code a few years ago, is this the worst dam ever made? Or is it ancient and needs to be replaced?

:rofl EVERY infrastructure in NYS need to be replaced. We are probably the only country with a 1st world (barely at this point) economic but with 3rd world infrastructures in terms of condition. When states like NY barely have enough to fund the most expensive trooper units in the country, how can they have enough to save the citizens of this great state from deaths by massive infrastructure failure? :rofl

Jeezus those guys can’t get a break.

Is the entire area a low lying area?

I’ll never be buying a house in a valley, hills #FTW

Prattsville IS in a mountain area. It’s down the road from Windham.

So what the hell is going on then?

From my understanding most of that area is clay so it doesn’t perk well and the large influx of water is just rolling down hill obliterating everything in it’s path?

Last time I went out west on 88 it all looked like hills/mountains to me. :ponder

I have no idea. Just a lot of water from the stream that cuts through there. I was driving down 145 for work yesterday and that road has tons of areas that are wrecked.

I take it you work for Verizon?

yea, my house has been evacuated (again). Im at work in albany now just hoping i can get home tonight.

Somebody with resources to do so better offer this man a couch if he can’t.

my girlfriend lives in Duanesburg, i can crash there if i have to.

i heard route 5 west of scotia (890 to the mont. county line) is closed due to flooding also

No, Mid-Hudson Cablevision. Our fiber shed that fed that part of the plant in Windham got washed away. They’ve been rebuilding our plant as fast as possible.

I just got home from getting the car aligned. Lowered car plus rivers in the road is not fun. Water was near the top of my bumper, bent my plate 90 degrees up. Fucking nuts. Best part was the Santa Fe SUV that pussied out, and drove right through haha This is fucking gay tho. My kid is stuck at the school until the water clears up :expressionless:

Ah ok…I assumed Verizon when I saw fiber.

Been listening to this for the last hour tons of crazy shit coming over the waves

I’m not getting any audio out of this. :dunno