I hope the prison was built well

Earthquake in Attica!?!


We are on a large fault.:ohnoes:

ZOMG But Buffalo is a great place to live because we aren’t at risk of any natural disasters! Just 300 days a year of winter!

True but, it will never happen here. lol I can hear the witnesses/survivors already.

October storm? EVERYONE cried natural disaster to get some of that fat FEMA cash :wink:

Attica! Attica! Attica!


I kind of hope we get a bad ass earthquake on that fault just so everyone can STFU about that buffalo has no natural disasters once in a lifetime so it’s worth living in argument.

2.9… the end is near alright… I heard Corning saw 25 mph winds last week too :ohnoes:

lighten up and join the fun!!

IT’S OT!!!


doesn’t mean we couldn’t see something bigger with the fault there.

is god angry at us for electing a black president? I hope not

I have earthquake ins on my house. It’s like 25 dollar a year, and we do live on a huge fucking fault line.

Where do you guys think the falls came from? I don’t think everyone’s favorite imaginary friend waved his magic wand on the 6th day to make that shit.

^ you’re just hoping for an earthquake so we can have martial law and you can run shit.

Erosion from a flowing river, not an earthquake.

Falls weren’t always located in that same spot either.

What is that from… everyone was chanting it last night in the office :frowning:

i was under the impression it was part of the local fault line

i still think its a good idea to have ins, and will continue to make fun of god

Dog Day Afternoon… based on the Attica Prison fiasco

I hope you have flood insurance. We’re only ~600’ above sea level, and we do live within like 600 miles of a huge fucking ocean.

I am way higher than 600’ and my house is built like a shit brickhouse or a brick shithouse or something like that. lol
I told my insurance company, "If my house is underwater than so is all of WNY. lol.