I hope the prison was built well

my old boss’s house is on THE highest point in erie county, mile or so away from channel 7’s tower in holland, he always gets calls for flood insurance…

Canisius has a Braun seismograph underneath Old Main. Everyone took earthquakes as a blow-off elective. The one semester there actually was one of these and we went down and checked it out, it was pretty cool.

Damn straight I do.

It was considered a flood when the October storm caused everyone’s basements to flood.

It was an extra 50 a year :wink:


look at all that quake activity on top of us. this stupid maps confirms that the sky is in fact falling.

14052 - Elevation:1056 ft. Obv you’re road / tract of land may be beyond the general elevation… but still, Tsunami’s can be pretty tall. And, I was referring (in gest) to ZD. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yea… most of buffalo is like 700’ lol

You would consider anything over 4’ tall a “flood”
I was referring to the impending mega-tsunami that is going to make buffalo into oceanfront property.


Are guys saying that because you are above sea level that water can’t back up in the storm drains, and that creeks don’t over flow?


and that Transit Rd. between Walden and Broadway isn’t under water at least once a year?




Center and Holland Glenwood is about 1700’.
I live “up on the hill” on the south edge of Aurora, I think it is about 1400’-1500’ I can see Buffalo from my roof.:smiley:

Probably still in the tsunami zone though. lol

You, never… some of our other members? most certainly

Deep down, they are still trying to figure out if the plane will take off.

tsunami’s typically aren’t tall… its the amount of water and speed that they have be hind them.

Waves formed from say landslides… can be 300ft+ high

If you saw my house you would understand. My front yard would have to be 8 feet deep which means the village would be under 200’ of water.
(I don’t have a sump pump - gravity drain tile- double 6":D)

Oh, and behind my house is a ravine that would catch any water coming down the hill.:slight_smile:
My house is located by design.:slight_smile:

If my house floods you all will already be drown.

Personally, I trust wetworks. He said it won’t.

You guys make it sound like you think you’ll actually get paid in the case of a Tsunami…

I think im missing some sarcasm here lol.

I’m on a boat, in an endless pool, how many movies has netflix delivered?

in that case I am calling my agent now to cancel my shit

Just think … if the moon’s orbit was only 100 miles from the earth… the TIDES WOULD BE INSANE AND EVERYONE WOULD BE DEAD!


It was a joke :wink: