8/5/2024 Tornado in Downtown Buffalo?


very cool. it’s super nice 40 minutes from there today though. wouldnt have suspected this.

A thunderstorm cell just rolled over my office around 3:25 and the wind gusts were bad enough that I got up from my desk and moved away from the windows. My entire wall is windows though with a couple large trees really close so it’s pretty sketchy in a bad storm.

So this JUST missed my house. Wild stuff!

Camera footage from house looks crazy. It was only a few seconds but holy shit did it move some air.

No real damage to my house that I can see. I need to get on the roof though.

Crews are still cleaning and the road is still blocked off.

Power pole snapped

And smashed this Tacoma

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i was right there the night before with melissa at a show. thank goodness it missed us by a day.