WTF Hurricane? [and my basement flooded]

Seriously S. Buffalo right now.


sever thrunderstorm warning has been up for a while.

Wow, we are literally getting nothing in Marilla.

prob gonna hit amherst/williamsville withing the next few min

It is something else. Almost blew one of the bikes over.

All I know is that the rain is coming from all directions, the lightning is right on top of me, and there is shit floating down the street as the whole thing is flooded. That took all of 5 minutes of this rain to happen.

I am not sure if I have ever seen it storm this hard here.

Edit: It is a good thing that I had my awning repaired, or it would have ripped clean off the patio by now.


LOL yeah I had a conversation with Buddah this afternoon. We decided that maybe this would be a good laugh.

“Where is your God now?!” -TPGSR

it just passed through elma, it’s pretty quiet now.

Yep was pretty crazy here in south buffalo, I had rain comming in from the non weather side of my house

Yea, just followed that coming home from Canada, pretty good time driving through it. lol. Crazy hard rain, and it’s gone already.

Where have I been? It rained a little while I was at work, but nothing to make a thread about. Hm.

Nothing to make a thread about??? My basement has never flooded and I had 4+ inches of water and fucking nastyness to clean up as caz creek flooded and blocked up the sewer drains causing massive back pressure and me a shit load of headaches. I wasn’t kidding when I said it was like a hurricane, may not have been as bad elsewhere but me and my neighbors are all having fun tonight!!


Seriously. Thank god I keep all my shit in totes up off the ground. I did have to rip out a carpet and dispose of it though.

That’s terrible. I had no idea it was that bad. Sorry dudeeee. Atleast you’re a smarty pants and plan ahead with keeping shit off the ground.

we got SLAMMED in west seneca… i believe you.

All we got was a little rain and some thunder in Williamsville. Glad it missed us.

Southtowns FTL…as always.