Finally getting out of buffalo

I loaded up the moving truck all day today and dropped my car off at Hybrid. We leave at 7am to head down to Fort Mill, SC.
I’m excited to live in a new area. I’ve never lived outside of WNY.
I wonder if I’ll run into any douche bag mustang owners or girls that looks like a duck…
I’ll be back up at the end of next month to visit, for the end of the summer party we throw and hopefully pick up my car from hybrid.
I still have to find a job down there… so if anyone has any connections in Charlotte, NC let me know. thanks.

See ya in 6 mos. :wiggle:

Charlotte/Raleigh is where I plan on moving when I graduate. I love it down there.

Good luck man and enjoy it come December when we up here are covered in snow.

congrats. 3 more years of college and i can join the: i got the fuck outta WNY club


See y’all in 6 mos. :wiggle:



congrats… i will never move back.


See ya in 6 mos. :wiggle:



why do 90% of the people that leave buffalo go to North Carolina?

You’ll be back. No joke.

You’ll figure out that buffalo DOES have its benefits… quite a few.


You’ll be back. No joke.

You’ll figure out that buffalo DOES have its benefits… quite a few.


still waiting on you to come back…don’t make me cry.


You’ll be back. No joke.

You’ll figure out that buffalo DOES have its benefits… quite a few.


Cheap to live
Bars open till 4am
College City

All sound great until this happens in fucking october


Charlotte/Raleigh is where I plan on moving when I graduate.



All sound great until this happens in fucking october


You can’t shovel your way out of a hurricane. :stuck_out_tongue:


You can’t shovel your way out of a hurricane. :stuck_out_tongue:


:clap: :lol:

Hahaha, well played. Congrats man, way to get out of here. Really didn’t want to cut out but had a big manager dude comming in this morning.


You can’t shovel your way out of a hurricane. :stuck_out_tongue:


but you can drink it.


You can’t shovel your way out of a hurricane. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, snow storms.

Pick the one event that doesn’t bring weather inside your home. Yeah, I can deal with having to use a snowblower, and once every 5 years or so having to power my house with a generator for a few days.

:lol: Seriously. What do South Carolinians do to prepare for their natural disasters? Board up their windows and GTFO.

What do buffalonians do? Make hot chocolate, wax their snowboards, and top off a gas can on their way home from work.

Buffalo 1, SC 0. :smiley:

Charlotte is nice, but I came back.

Good luck to you down there. And, have fun with that rush hour drive from Fort Mill to Charlotte. Ugh…


:lol: Seriously. What do South Carolinians do to prepare for their natural disasters? Board up their windows and GTFO.

What do buffalonians do? Make hot chocolate, wax their snowboards, and top off a gas can on their way home from work.

Buffalo 1, SC 0. :smiley:


Thats because snowstorms dont come with winds that can send a boat through the side of your house.


Thats because snowstorms dont come with winds that can send a boat through the side of your house.


That’s my point. :tup: