Buffalo For Realz?


I’m still not sure what Buffalo is trying to sell with this.

Embed Dat Shit

“Buffalo we have old houses and stuff”

Isn’t that a ghetto term? Nice.
Edit: I just watched the video and realized it was a parody. lol

Edit II: I just watched the “real” video and can’t decide which is more depressing.

Ah, didn’t know I could do that, but… done.


It’s good to see that some people out there actually care about improving Buffalo in some way, shape or form.

That first video = LOL

if it was “for real” they would show 8/12’s of that video as depressing, dark, horrid weather conditions.

Yea but since when do the warm areas of the country show the tornados, hurricanes, earth quakes, floods…

The grass is always greener. Ive been over the fence to have a look, I came back.

Me too. I lived in some great cities and am the type that can be happy no matter where I land(I believe many miserable here would be miserable elsewhere). Loved Charlotte and Seattle especially and will always miss the art/music/culture that I had access to in Seattle. That said I love Buffalo but I know much of this revolves around my family and great group of friends. So I suppose if I didn’t have a close fam and friends I might not feel the same way.



lol, the chances of you having your life seriously affected for any extended period of time by any of these conditions is pretty LOW. The chance that you will have to spend at least 4 months per year digging your car out of the now, VERY HIGH.

I don’t know about that statement. The severe weather sure seems to be getting more severe and more widespread in the last few years. Massive tornada outbreaks, wildfires and floods especially.

I’ll take natural disasters over the Bible belt any day of the week.

do a comparison on the number of the population who’s lives are directly affected and the number will be low. I would bet a large number of people directly affected have just minor damages as well.

I’ve lived in North Carolina for 3 years and haven’t had my life negatively affected in ANY way by bad weather. One close call with the tornado that came through this year. That tornado was the first one in over a decade to cause major damage. Hurricanes can hit here, but it’s rare to leave any major damage since we’re a few hours inland.

Compare that with the number of times you’ve had to shovel multiple feet of snow, how many days of your year have zero-sunshine, etc…

I’ve lived in both places, as well as “downstate” NY. It ROCKS here.

I understand not everyone can leave. I understand that family and friends are sometimes more important than other factors. If you enjoy buffalo, then :tup: to you. As stated above, it’s nice to see people truly care about the place where they live and to truly want to improve it. Hats off to them for not being pessimistic bastards who complain about how shitty everything is, but never do anything to change it.

I wouldn’t say Buffalo is a categorically bad place to live, but there are so many better places to live, it begs the question… Why stay here?

If you have a ton of family and friends here or are making good money in a secure profession, those are things to consider. I just feel that there is better potential for achievement in cities like Charlotte and Seattle, not to mention the unenvious reality of Buffalo residing in NYS and having to deal with all the bullshit that comes with that. Mid-Atlantic states and the Pacific Northwest seem to be fairly certain upgrades from this economically depressed, politically corrupt amnesiac of a city.

Buffalo actually gets more sunshine than Orlando FL

Lol the first video. I thought the real one was kinda cool. I’ve had some friends coming home from college for the summer saying they miss buffalo, and others who despise it. I like buffalo myself but def plan to move once I graduate.

Orlando? Way to pick the worst city in FL as an example. It’s hours from a beach.

Also, I’m not tryng to bash Buffalo, but it’s almost like you guys are willing to come up with ANYTHING to try and prove to outsiders that buffalo is better. If it’s better for no other reason than that you are attached because it’s where you grew up, then that’s great. I’m not trying to convince anyone that Buffalo sucks. You should live where YOU want to live.

I am simply dispelling the excuses/irrationalities that people seem to make about other cities, just to discredit them.

I moved, because it was right for me. Remember, I didn’t grow up in Buffalo. I did 5 years at UB, that’s it.

What do the beach have to do with anything?