lol, why would anyone want to move to FL and not live near the beach? Just saying, Orlando sucks. Not to mention you post that without ANY facts/information. All of Florida suffers from afternoon thunderstorms, but they last less than 30 minutes and dry up VERY fast from the heat.
I am confident that I could lead a fulfilling happy life in nearly any city in this country (as well as many other countries). Your surroundings are what you make of them.
“You can shovel snow out of your driveway. You cannot shovel the ocean out of your living room.”
“You can paint your house in Spring. You cannot paint that same house if it’s scattered across a mile of open field, along with all of your neighbors homes.”
“You can keep your valuables on the top shelf. You cannot keep them there without glue when the house shakes violently. Additionally, glue will not help to keep the whole house from shaking apart.”
“You can enjoy the lake by taking a drive over to go see it. You cannot enjoy the ocean if it comes to your front door to say ‘Hello!’”
“You can buy a $400,000 house and enjoy it. You cannot enjoy that same house if it is worth $205,000 four years later.”
Hmm Touché, I must have heard it wrong on the radio. :shrug:
Anyway, I honestly couldn’t complain about Buffalo. We experience four seasons and adapt our way of life, activities, and even community to the summer and snow.
Yeah I think buffalo actually is one of the cloudiest cities in the nation lol. And a couple years ago I was on vacation in orlando and I thought it was nice :gotme:
It’s all cyclical. Look at how much hype there was about hurricanes and how they were getting “so much worse & frequent” after Katrina hit… and since then we haven’t had a hurricane make landfall (6 years almost) and the intensity & frequency are down too. Once the pacific ocean warms up again things will “normalize” as they always do.
Spent a few weeks in orlando. Florida SUCKS period. However I’ve heard that stat before , and remembered it while I was down there. They would get “puffy” clouds all day, maybe 20% of the sky covered in them, for most of the day. But 80% of the other sky was clear! Just a stat people throw around buffalo to feel like we’re getting screwed less.
I’m a pilot, and spend a few days a month in cities across the US, every time we line up Buffalo in our sights on the way home, I feel like I’m going 20 - 30 years back in time. I’m currently in Wichita, and absolutely love it. The roads are SMOOTH, modern, and its logical to get around. They have seasons, parks, and outdoors. The people are friendly, and its been sunny 9 of the last 10 days, gas, food, and drinks are cheap. I dont think I’d live here, its not home and a little small, but there are much better places than Buffalo.
Where ever I am, I still can’t get over the fact how geniune and nice the people are in Buffalo, and our huge array of restaurants, and we have an AMAZING selection of outdoors within an hour. However the weather rarely cooperates to enjoy them.
Ive been to 40 countries and 40 states, I still call buffalo my home and live here, and love many aspects of the area, but the GF and I plan on getting out, again, in the next year. Just no hope for change in site. Its hard living in a place thats not improving, and has continual, disappointing weather.