Who drives a Subaru with Plate# SNKYSNKY


What did he do to be called pretty fucking dumb? I think you are pretty fucking dumb also, yet I don’t call you that everytime you post. Granted there are a plethora of different insults that all apply to you, but fucking dumb is usually applicable… but not necessarily needed ( I mean you obviously realize you are a total dickbag, right? )


Well you are obviously too fucking slow/ignorant to understand certain basics as applied to Muscle50s post.

Let me explain it to you:
He did something rude/stupid by cutting Jesse off.
He could have just said “hey, my bad. No offense. Sorry” AND LEFT IT AT THAT.
But no, He decides to be a pompous fuck and basically give OP a “whatever FU” at the end of his post.

That is unecessary, rude, ignorant, and FUCKING STUPID as are you for not comprehending simple respect basics.