Who else is out of power still?

:lmao Fuck your power!! That would be good

mine just came on a few hours ago. it originally went out at like 8:45 thursday night. so i set my alarm for like 7am to clean off my car and get ready for work, and climbed out of my bed to step in 4+" of water! FUCK. tons of shit on my floor ruined. thousand dollar bed, wrecked. the sump pump won’t work without power of course. had to call in to work, and lose money, great. so the power comes back on for about 5 hours, then goes off again like saturday morning. it was off from like 8am until like 5 this afternoon.

cliffs notes: basement flooded, shit destroyed, power out, no generator, fuck this weather.

fuck dude that’s wicked shitty. sorry bro.

I wish benny was out of power


never lost power …been very toasty at night :banana

My internet and power just came back…

Hope you guys behaved while I was gone :ohnoes

nope some didnt :ninja

no power here and an eta of it colin back is tues at 4pm… The generator is holdin it down so we got heat set at 68 sso were good for now but it’s so boring with no tv and shit

You got insurance to cover the damages? That suck man…

I just got power back!!

My power went out for a few hours in Watervliet. My mom’s house in Niskayuna has been out since since sometime in the middle of the night Saturday and they are saying she may not get it back until as late as Wednesday or Thursday :headbang