Who else is sick?

Yup, same thing here Tara, i even went out when i thoguht i was better then next day i was a mess then mroe days in bed, did the same thing once more and now here i am. I did go to the doc yesterdya and he gave me AVALOX, it is top treat Pnuemonia, bac infection, sinusitis, strepp and other ilnesses. So two pills a day for ten days and if i don’t get better then back to the docs for tests. This just started liek this on sunday, mon i was fine and relaxed, tuesday i had a slight cough n runny nose, weds i went to the garage to make osme money and weds i woke up with a runny nose, cough, no clue as to where i am at, can’t walk, chills, sweating and so fourth so i had to go back to the docs and thats when we figured this out.