Who else is sick ?

Being happy

buahahahahahahahahahaha good one mike. I hate you :stuck_out_tongue:

I honestly don’t know, all my friends get sick all the time.

I think I’m just being set up for a super bug.

I’m not sick… my nose nose is just constantly bleeding from the cold and dry air. Ugh.

Depends on your definition of “sick”. I am not really “sick” in most peoples eyes, just as sick as I ever get. Cough and a stuffy nose, usually happens same time of year every year like clock work. I can’t remember the last time I was actually sick to the point that I had a high temp or something of that nature.

That might be the HIV. LOL

nah it’s the coke

Fucking AIDS.


Ill get a kinda runny nose or stuffed up a bit, but thats more weather/allergy related.

I don’t get a cough or phlegm in my throat at all.

I feel like I’m suffering from a case of nightshift zombie disease, with the usual winter time nosebleed blues does that count. :slight_smile:

I think I have a cold and an ear infection now from wandering around canada last night in a t-shirt :bloated:

ive been full of snot for the past week and a half and have now managed to lose hearing in my left ear. definately not taking off work for this though…

Getting sick is for the weak.

I’ve been super lucky the past three years. Not sick once (non-alcohol related of course). And I’m in the worst shape I have ever been. Wierd.


in. i don’t think i ever feel 100%. i get sick in like july.

werent u just sick like a week or more ago

i dont ever really get sick, but when i do, im like a small child. i just want some soup and nyquil and ritz crackers and bed rest. to bad nyquil doenst do anything for me anymore. and i also have the smokers cough. its fun.

wash your hands and drink lots of Orange juice=no sickness

I’m getting a bad case of cabin fever. I cannot wait to go for a loooooooooong drive with the windows down and the radio up. Clean the bitch inside and out, change the oil, put some fresh summer sneakers on her…

I hardly get sick. I also get a lot of fresh air and I am a chronic hand washer.