Who has a black 7th gen civic?

I know who that is :snky:


OK, real funny, my typing doesn’t convey my frustration, I am not in the mood.

Stop " :snky: " and fucking either shut up, or tell me who it is.

it’s obviously :snky:

ok, seriously, the next person to post that is getting banned.

Try me.

:sn ky:

edit: PM SENT


ok, i just banned newman, and my own mod

who else?


i think he means business now

rofl he banned a mod…seriously neva seen it.

Does anyone even know who this car belongs to?
or does everyone just want to piss him off by posting “that face”


why is howard so angry this morning? did this civic driver piss you off?

i understand people are dodging the question… but damn howie LOL… you are on a rampage of destruction



howie wont ban me :wink: cus im the person that sent him the pic of the car

i hope you get banned just for being cocky :lol:

ill show you a cocky, tonight :stuck_out_tongue:

^^ ooOOooOoo promise?:slight_smile:

Oh yeah? :biglaugh:



omg she is going to be soo pissed :stuck_out_tongue: