I drive my dads c5 6 speed all the time. We go on some spirited runs.
C5 6 speed
only other car (except an elise) i would sell my car to get right now…
never have, but would loooove to drive one, even more now especially after reading this thread
road shotgun in a modded c5 auto with a 100 shot. he let off after about 200mph though. guess it doesn’t count, but i wouldn’t trust myself behind the wheel at those speeds
Noone would ever fork over their stupid keys…bitches!
I’ve never driven one, I just voted yes to back up my anti-dometic thuggery on the intrawebnets :mamoru:
I have romped on both. The C5 to me is like the 03 evos, just a refined version of their cousins…F bodies and DSMs
The Z06 on the other hand is fucking amazing and is an animal out of the box.
Maybe in a straight line, but once you get into the turns, driving an f-body and a c5 are a night and day difference.