C6 with "redvette" plate = waste of time

river road goin to work, after some futzin around with slow5.0, i pull up and give the teeup, he returns, he slows down lettin the cars get ahead, i follow, he gives gas, i 3/4 throttle, he didnt go, i was like :wtf: , slow down again, give him the finger/wave thing “go ahead, ill see if i can catch up” he throttles it, i go WOT, i pull by, he lets off in like 2 sec’s. :wtf:x2…

so yea its a vert c6 custom plate “redvette”, he acts like hes gonna race but doesnt, it sucks:rolljerk:

I beat him on the blvd w/ mike… he was all about going from a stop against my NA FWD ricermobile… then I tapped the brakes @ 50-60 and let him go by. :wink:

He lives by Uncle Larry.

damn vett drivers :wink:

what are those new C6 vette’s sposed to be runnin? low 13’s high 12’s?

nice kill btw…sucks you had to get it out so late in the season though…i know the feeling…

:tup: to that guy for getting the redvette plate…surprising it wasnt taken, he must have had numerous redvettes throughout the years

and :tup: for what its worth… at least he gives it gas… instead of buying the car and doing 30% throttle… unless the clutch is in… then its blips of WOT

I don’t have an uncle Larry


more like low 12s high 11s… a vert might be a little more

depends on driver

0-60 on the street for 99% of vette owners = forever.

AWD = teh win!

Automotive Magazine 13.20sec
Car and Driver 12.70sec
Road and Track 13.20sec

is not a low 12s car from the factory

I think he’s thinking of the Z06’s. :shrug:

i do but if he owns a c6 y does he live in trailor park in derby :gotme:

i was just comparing it to the c5 zo6… good drivers have gotten their c5 zo6s in the 11s, and the c6 is faster than the c5 zo6 (at least the one comparison i saw it was) :shrug:

not what the magazines say but what do they know

what magazines say and whatthe cars do are 2 different things

toda had a post on the “other” site about the c6 zo6 n said it was 11.7

yea but this wasn’t a z06…

uncle larry’s got some pretty slow neighbors all right


2005 vettes with standard 400hp run 12.70 - 13.20sec depends on driver

2005 Z06 with 505 runs 11.7sec at the 1/4 mile

adictd2b00st is right this wasn’t a z06 because is a convertible

therefore the vette in discussion runs low 13s hi 12s
