who has changed screen names?

ITK240SX - no 240 for over a year, so I decided to use a different identity.

So far 2 converts from german –> japanese… I think saab is german??

<<---- aREX4X

Duh /// (I thought I’d leave the name in the sig during the transition)



That’s right bishes, better watch out :snky:

I think i was Bobert3222 over there, i dropped the numbers because im mad fly like that


actually i just subtracted the X1

Bj’s Odd Jobs

Nope, Sweeeedish :headbang:

<- 80’s crown vic.

<-- bitchesnhoez





But I’m for realz y0 :hitit:

92awdturbotalon … name was too long, i got pissed evertime someone asked me my name on the board… i just started telling people, “What board?”

Everyone knows me as ninja anyways… now Im not snky about being a ninja

still turbosilly.

short and simple
