who has changed screen names?


Always have been RockKittie.

Always will be RockKittie.

who the hell invited you?

Icey Hot stunnaz ^^^^^^

<— bj’s hand jobs :tspry:

bjs hand jobs… can I pick one or the other?

<== h2fov

94civicSI… yea im creative

same shit, different place

I twas sinister626, but the 626 has been gone for 3 years, and sinisterodyssey didn’t have a good ring to it!


MaNHaTTaN 1501

I hate that name so much now

how about i sniff your butt and we call it even?

scratch and sniff and you got a deal.

bump for the fact that im a tard and didn’t know officer k was spkmustang


:snky: … cant tell people my ubrf name …

<<---------- HottieInTheJeep

BEEP BEEP!!! whos’ got the keys to the jeep…vvvrrrrmmmmm…

Black Hatch

you knwo some posts are making more sense now that i know who they are .
on another note it’s stupid to have your handle the same as the car you drive…

i’ve had this handle since i was 13