who here has been to some exotic places?

last week of may and first week of june me and the lady booked a trip to france to visit my family, instead of heading directly back to the states afterwards, we’re planning on hitting up northern africa/southern spain for a few days

so far ive been checking out morocco because of recommendations of my mom who studied abroad there, but she says nowadays it isnt as safe as it used to be :shoot:

thoughts? pictures from vacations? attractions? experiences?

hmm, exotic place… I been to Mademoiselle’s, pharos and Ricks. I must say though Canada is where its at. Plan on it being crowded and be prepared to spend some loot.

Ive done some very exotic hunting trips, all over the world, your taxes paid for all of it.

LOL +1

Oh I get it. Very clever.

Did someone say travel? Some of the more exotic places I’ve been:

Fiji, marshall islands, namibia, angola, uruguay, jamaica, dominican, mexico, panama, costa rica…

Never northern Africa though, although my wife went to Morocco like 15 years ago.

palma mallorca spain. That was amazing. From there we went on a cruise to barcelona then to marsailles france then genoa italy then napoli italy then palermo sicily then tunis tunisia africa then back to palma. Palma is amazing and i wish i could go back someday


HA! i wouldnt consider pharos to be exotic, the chick had a tampon string hangin out her snatch

chile, mostly just to ski during our summer

I have many pics on my facebook, the pictures are on my old computer or her computer tho, i dont know if i can get my pics off facebook. If you wanna see em now tho just go here http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=51001262&ref=ts#/profile.php?ref=name&id=1560049453 theeres tons of pics there.

i’m going to dubai in march to look for investment properties… other then that just South and Central Americas

been to 33 countries, the mideast, morocco. Morocco i have mixed feelings about, ive met some wonderfully awesome people there, and also weirdos. you WILL get harassed, no 2 ways about that, as far as safety, read Lonely Planet’s website and thorntree forum. I went to Fez, an AMAZING city with 3600 streets in about 1 mile, mostly unnamed, not as touristy. EVERYONE goes to marrakesh and that seems to be where bad things happen, by bad i mostly mean scams and harrasing because all the europeans go there, and they associate them with money. But…for the most part, ALL MUSLIMS are great people, and the berbers, especially when you leave the main cities. They are soooo happy to meet foreigners, and I remember little kids coming up and practicing english on me. ALSO, it wouldn’t hurt to learn a little french or arabic, this is one country I found English not widely spoken, message me for more details if you want…

thanks for the info, will pm

thats fucking baller, i was lookin at the carribean where lots of americans retire because a 5 bedroom house on the beach is like 50 grand (not that im retiring anytime soon), what were you thinking of buying?

Area 51

Roatan, Honduras. Not attached to the main land though, it’s an island. And Glasgow Scotland, although not very exotic.

Not sure if these qualify as exotic but I was in the Med and Gulf once each. Hit up Spain, France, Turkey and Malta. Bahrain was the only port we hit in the Gulf.