Who here knows laptops well?

Pretty sure I have a couple in my shop… Adam feel free to bring it by and i’ll swap it out and see what happens

Thanks for all the responses guys. Lots of good info here.

I have the laptop torn down at the moment, all sitting on top of my ent center. Shady, you mentioned you might have another cpu? Maybe I can run mine to you to match #'s and test out(can give you $$)

I will try the ram trick. I have removed the board(one board in it) during the teardown here.

Looking at it now, with the heat transfer padd off the chip, it the ~1/2" squar metal “tab” that projects from the top of the CPU is blued. thing definitely got hot.

And yeah it doesn’t really even get windows booted before it shuts down. Most times quicker than not, very seldom I can get windows to start booting(by blowing air over heatsink) but still shuts down.

I just want to try and get it running again, restore the drive /os back to it’s original state, and install my plasma program again and just run that. It’s a shit computer, so I’m not going to expect anyhting at this point.

Shady I’ll call you next week. pm me your number, i deleted your texts on the way back from Ivey today by accident…

Definitely sounds like just a damaged CPU if it’s got discoloration on it.

Yea CPU is definitely a goner adam, I havent seen many CPU’s with discoloration acctualy work or at least for very long.

Its a Celeron Processor no? I may have one running around providing my boss hasn’t decided to Frankenstein anything lately, if not I can source one quite easily for you.

rofl @ your cpu looking like Paulys stock flywheel. :rofl :rofl - Wayne on TracEys name.

that bad eh?

Pauly, granny shiften not double clutchin like you should!

lolz here’s a pic of the cpu out of the socket. def got hot :frowning:

Adam I do have processors here that will fit, a couple celerons that are newer but still the same socket and probably a little faster, but they will work none the less… I PMed you my number, so we can figure out a time for you to stop by and well swap it out and see what happens.

I retract my previous post, looks more like my stock flywheel and PP!!!

Did that thing melt Adam??? It looks melted.

Yea I don’t think I’ve ever seen that bad of discoleration across the whole chip, usualy just on the dye itself. Maybe its the shadow but it looks like some goop got chipped off/melted on the bottom side in the pic

I’ve actually…in my 6 years in IT…have never seen a bad CPU chip. Worst I’ve seen is burned boards. Cool lol.

i seen cpu’s go bad alot due to overclocking for extended periods of times and this thing happening… computer shutting down from overheating all the time

Yeah, I’ve dealt with overheating, but it’s never caused that much damage for machines I’ve worked on. Usually, it’s just the chip needing to be re-greased and the fan cleaned out. Machines in our office buildings are notorious for being super dusty and having the heat sinks or fans caked in dust.

Glad you guys got a solution though. Looks like you’ll be better for it after also.