Who is a debt collector here?

Have a side project that came to me and need some questions answered about your day, work environment, etc.

PM me please.

Also, please be actively working in NY as one.

I’ve managed to collect quite a bit myself. Just picked up another $20k yesterday as a matter of fact.

Lol what did you buy? Another boat? :lol:

LOL naw, Subaru for the wife. Paid cash for the boat. I’m bad with money, but not bad enough to go into debt for something as completely unnecessary as a boat. :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone here is BALLIN

Hey, I was dumb enough to fiance a boat. I paid it off pretty quick when I realized how dumb it was though.

Decided you’d rather marry a woman? Not sure you made the right choice…




Fiancé a boat, i’m LOLing hard

Even funnier because I watched the family guy yesterday where Peter marries a piece of pie, until he eats it.

set a date yet?


Custom title??

My fiance works at Iqor as a debt collector and I’m applying today. What sort of stuff do you need answered?

“I vote no to gay marriage but yes to boat fiance”


Omg yes!!! Hahaha