Who needs printer ink soon?

i found it ironic, as my ink warning just popped up a few days ago, then I found this. anyhow:

I trust that You guys know that I would not spam You. So, I ask that:

If You need $30 worth of printer ink asap, or are simply running low and should reorder soon, then I ask that You do it through the InkBlvd deal through my referral link (again: http://xbox360s.freepay.com/?r=22740106 ).

Yep, i signed up for a free Xbox from one of the few Proven FreePayStuff programs. Figured, it can’t hurt.

I need 8 folks to go in by my referral. http://xbox360s.freepay.com/?r=22740106

I’m not asking You to subscribe to 14 years of a magazine or any of that shit. Simply that if You have to buy ink, do it from this particular store, through my link. I personally spent $50 on a combo for my Dell 940. Got an order confirmation just like any other online store. That’s it.

http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ghost.gif http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/bigok.gif

Thanks gents!

And yes, I check with a Mod before posting. :slight_smile: