Who pays for studies like this?

I wanna know where this money comes from for someone to conduct this study


rappers and the NBA


I’m sure Jesse Jackson is working on his speech right now on how this can be blamed on racism by white people.


No shit. Would have never guessed that.:roflpicard:

I still wish there was an all white college.

When I started getting into Ivy leagues i really wanted to apply to all of the black colleges and file a lawsuit on the first one that rejected me.

it was probably paid for with your tax dollars

What would it cost, $20 bucks to compile that data? Call a few HBCU’s, ask them what their graduation rate is, bam. Done.


The other day the news down here said that only ~15% of the total florida population was african american, however, ~%60 of the people who were incarcerated in florida were african american.


Until urban culture stops embracing doing hard time like a rite of passage, as opposed to ostracizing criminals like their suburban counterparts, it will always be that way.

I really see no reason to let this thread continue. Sorry.