who said drag racing wasnt all year round?


that looks fun as hell :cool:

That would be fun.

i imagine there would be some nice grooves towards the end of the day!

Pittspeed winter project?

schweeeeeeet! Wonder how long it takes to slow down

lets set it up!

interesting but i doubt hard launches would work and other question is how do you stop?

you worry too much about the details. :smiley:

gimmi a break

Lifes mysteries, Just like a tree in the forest falls and no one is around. Does it make a sound?!?!?!

interesting but i doubt hard launches would work and other question is how do you stop?

ebrake and cut the wheel :hsdance:

i have seen people get sideways on track i wonder what i looks like when you get squirlly on the ice

i wonder why i didn’t see any AWD cars.

that would be a fun azz time.

because rwd>awd no matter what:burnout:

awd is for the lamerz