who says this? (overheard convo at work)

so im getting some food, and some lady is talking to a guy that is serving the food, and the lady says “hey how are you doing??” and the chef says “eh not so good, my father in law threatened to kill my wife, so, ive been on the phone a lot with the police…”

wow ok thanks for letting everyone in line waiting for some food know

I have a coworker that divulges a ton of stuff people don’t and shouldn’t know.

Why, attention??? Who knows…

well if you really don’t want to know how the person is doing… don’t ask

another thing abuot my work is that its just full of reposts, earlier this week i heard screams all over my dept, cuz they were doing the maze and then the scary face… of course i got the fwd and i was like oh wow u guys are catchin up!

Reply to FWD with Fail Truck, or fail lettering FTW.


Reply to FWD with Fail Truck, or fail lettering FTW.


they would be like “WHAT I AM CONFUSED”

If they stay on pace it will make sense in a year or two then they will think you can tell the future lol.

If it weren’t for my horse…